Publications 2011

Trade unions and precarious work - Danish country report to the BARSORI-project
Mikkel Mailand & Trine P. Larsen
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, December 2011

The role of skills from worklessness to sustainable employment with progression
Mikkel Mailand
Contribution to the research report The role of skills from worklessness to sustainable employment with progression - international case studies by Tim Bickerstaffe and David Devins (eds.), UK Commission for Employment and Skills, September 2011

European Welfare Modelling and Work-life Balance Policies - Neglecting Working Carers other than Parents
Trine P. Larsen, FAOS & Serkawt Khola, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan, Iraq
Paper for The International Scientific Conference of Salahaddin University, Erbil, 18-20 October 2011

Employment Practices of Multinational Companies in Denmark
Dana B. Minbaeva, CBS & Steen E. Navrbjerg, FAOS
Published: 2011, Publisher: Report published by CBS/FAOS, København

Slowing down Social Europe? The role of coalitions and decision-making arenas. The employment policy area (report 3)
Mikkel Mailand
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, August 2011

Strained compromises? Danish flexicurity during crisis
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Article brought by Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, vol. 1, nr. 1, August 2011

The Competitiveness of the Nordic Countries - from flexicurity to mobication
Søren Kaj Andersen, FAOS, Nikolaj Lubanski, Professionshøjskolen Metropol & Ove K. Pedersen, CBS
Report for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2011

Bargaining in the crisis - a comparison of the 2010 collective bargaining round in the Danish and Swedish manufacturing sectors
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Jørgen Steen Madsen, Søren Kaj Andersen & Jesper Due
Article brought in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 17: 323, 2011

Slowing down Social Europe? The role of coalitions in the struggles over work and employment regulation
Mikkel Mailand
Paper for the 18th International Conference of Europeanists, June 20-22, 2011, Barcelona

Change and Continuity in Danish and Norwegian Capitalism: Corporatism and Beyond
Mikkel Mailand
Contribution to the anthology The Changing Political Economies of Small West European Countries by Uwe Becker (ed.), Amsterdam University Press, 2011

Challenging Scandinavian employment relations: the effects of new public management reforms
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Trine P. Larsen, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Jesper Due
Article in The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22, issue 11, June 2011

The Transformation of Employment Relations in Scandinavia and Germany: Flexicurity Rules OK?
Søren Kaj Andersen
Paper presented at the International and Comparative IR Section Meeting, LERA, 6th January 2011, Denver

Teacher's pet in trouble - A review of Danish policies during crisis
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Preprint version of article brought in Nordiques 2010, No 23, 9-26:
Ibsen, Christian Lyhne: Danemark, le chouchou du prof en difficulté?