Videnskabelige artikler 2004

Policies and Partnerships for Social Inclusion - Challenges and Opportunities for Trade Unions and Employers' Organisations
Mikkel Mailand
Paper to the 7th IIRA European Regional Congress, Lisbon, 7.-11. september 2004

Nordic Metal Trade Unions on the move - Trade Union Responses to Globalisation and Europeanisation
Søren Kaj Andersen
Paper to the 7th IIRA European Congress, 7.-11. september 2004

Social partnership as an approach to CSR: 'traditional' and 'new' actors, their roles and relations
Mikkel Mailand
Transfer volume 10, nummer 3, Bruxelles, efterår 2004, ss. 416-432

Nye udfordringer - nye muligheder. Social dialog i de nye medlemsstater
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Notat til CO-industri, august 2004

Social Partnerships for Inclusion - Theoretical Understandings and Empirical Typologies
Mikkel Mailand & Søren Kaj Andersen
Bidrag til antologien Labour and Employment Regulation in Europe af Jens Lind, Herman Knudsen, Henning Jørgensen (red.), P.I.E. Pieter Lang, Bruxelles, 2004, ss. 381-402

Different routes, common directions? Activation policies for young people in Denmark and the UK
Colin Lindsay & Mikkel Mailand
International Journal of Social Welfare, volume 13, Issue 3, s. 195, juli 2004

Social Dialogue in Central and Eastern Europe - Present state and future development
Mikkel Mailand & Jesper Due
European Journal of Industrial Relations volume 10, nummer 2, London, juli 2004, ss. 179-198

Etniske minoriteter og arbejdsmarkedssegregering
Mikkel Mailand
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, temanummer: Det multikulturelle arbejdsliv, 6. årgang, nummer 2, juni 2004, ss. 71-87

Ny Løn mellem individualisering og kollektiv aftaleret
Jørgen Steen Madsen
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 6. årgang, nummer 1, april 2004, ss. 8-28

Indflydelse på virksomheder
Søren Kaj Andersen
Ove K. Pedersen (red.): HK som politisk organisation, april 2004

The Danish model of labour market organisation: Will it cope with May 2004?
Nikolaj Lubanski
Bidrag til Free mobility and EU's enlargement - migration of the construction workers May 2004, CLRdenmark (red.), Byg Rapport R-081, Konferencepublikation, København, april 2004,  ss. 71-88

Comparing youth activation policies in Denmark and the United Kingdom
Colin Lindsay & Mikkel Mailand
Bidrag til Are activation models converging in Europe? The European Employment Strategy for young people af Amparo Serrano Pascual (red.), ETUI, Bruxelles 2004, ss. 129-162

Multiniveauregulering og den danske model
Jesper Due & Jørgen Steen Madsen
Bidrag til Den danske model i et integreret Europa, Festskrift i anledning af Einar Edelbergs 40 års jubilæum af Peter Nedergaard (red.), DJØFs Forlag 2004, ss. 173-182