17 May 2016

The European Commission funds two FAOS-projects

The European Commission has granted 130.000 euros for the completion of two FAOS-projects; one on bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector (BARSOP) and one on industrial relations and creative workers (IR-CREA).

BARSOP addresses how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and employment in the public sector in nine EU member states. The crisis and the resulting austerity policies have put pressure on public sector industrial relations. The BARSOP project will review how social partners have been responding to the pressures created by the crisis, both in terms of collective bargaining and social dialogue processes, in terms of specific social partner crisis initiatives and in terms of outcomes.

IR-CREA is a comparative study involving Denmark, the Netherlands and Italy. Its main aim is to explore traditional and innovative forms of industrial relations with creative industry sector  and among creative workers. Focus is on interest representation of creative workers, the role of collective bargaining and social dialogue in regulating creative industries, social partners approach’ towards creative workers, including their strategies to cover such employees in the established IR-models along with innovative forms of interest representation for such groups of employees in Denmark, the Netherlands and Italy.

Read more about BARSOP - Bargaining and Social Dialogue in the Public Sector

Read more about IR-CREA - Industrial Relations and Creative Workers