3 January 2023

Business and welfare policies


Mikkel Mailand analyzes the roles and preferences of Danish companies and employers' organizations in relation to four 'welfare policy' areas - unemployment, (further) education, pensions and family-working life. The analysis is part of a larger European research project covering six other EU countries.

The present report includes the finding from the Danish part of the project 'Business and Welfare – Companies' preference’, in which Mikkel Mailand from FAOS was the Danish partner. The project covered Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovakia. The project had two specific research goals: To better understand how homogenous or differentiated business' preferences toward welfare policies (unemployment, pensions, education, and work-life balance) are changing in a post-industrial and global economy; and to better understand how the role of employers' associations is evolving in expressing and representing employers' preferences. The Danish report includes the Danish findings regarding 1) who the Danish employers are (industrial structure, employment, strongholds, and organizations); 2) what the priorities of the employers are regarding the four selected policy areas; and 3) how and through which channels the employers attempts to fulfill these priorities.

Read the full report 'Business and Welfare – Companies' preferences and their collective action in the European Union (BAWEU)
Country report Denmark', by Mikkel Mailand.

