24 January 2017

The European Commission Funds Project about the Platform Economy

FAOS has been granted 50,000 euro by the European Commission to conduct the Danish part of an EU-project concerning the platform economy. The Danish project is led by associate professor Anna Ilsøe, FAOS, and conducted in collaboration with research assistant Louise Weber Madsen, FAOS.

The project IRSDACE, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative Economy, is a comparative project that aims to map and explore traditional and innovative forms of social dialogue and industrial relations practices within the platform economy in Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Hungary and Slovakia. The focus is on labour platforms (like Task Rabbit) as well as capital platforms (like Airbnb) and platforms that combine both (like Uber). The study aims to identify how traditional players on the labour market (trade unions, employers' associations, state, EU) experience and respond to the platform economy, as well as explore how new players perceive the platform economy and act in it (platforms, users of platforms). Methodologically, the project includes register data, web surveys, web scraping, focus groups and interviews. The project will contribute with knowledge in relation to the development of national and European regulation of the platform economy that can ensure both decent pay and working conditions and fair competition as well as stimulate innovation and growth via platforms.

Read more about IRSDACE - Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative Economy here