Social dialogue in welfare services
How is quality and coverage of the welfare services balanced with reasonable wages and working conditions when budgets are tight? And how do recruitment issues affect this balancing act?

The main aim of the EU-funded project ‘Social dialogue in welfare services – employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services’ (SOWELL) is to understand how the social partners and other actors balance pressures in the form of public budget constraints, the desire to improve or sustain service coverage and service quality and securing adequate job quality. This balancing act can be seen as a ‘quadrilemma’, to which was added a major current challenge - labour shortages - in the Danish part of the project. The project focuses on two key welfare service sectors, long-time care and early childhood education and care in seven EU countries. The Danish findings are reported in two reports. The first focuses on the sector-level of the two care services and the second includes analyses of four local cases.
Read the full report 'Social dialogue in welfare services (Sowell) - Denmark. Work Package 1–2 report on Long Term Care and Early Childhood Education and Care', by Nana Wesley Hansen and Mikkel Mailand.
Read the full report 'Social dialogue in welfare services (Sowell). Case study report Denmark', by Nana Wesley Hansen, Mikkel Mailand and Frida Lilli Schlanbusch Nørkjær.