When tripartite negotiations generate reforms
Paper by Jesper Due & Jørgen Steen Madsen
At the Danish tripartite negotiations in 1987 the parties agreed upon a historic settlement that strengthened the Danish economy – by establishing labour market pensions. Is it possible to repeat this success today – twenty-five years after the so-called Fælleserklæringen (the joint declaration)? This was the central question raised at a conference held by FAOS and PensionDanmark at Christiansborg (the Parliament), Copenhagen, on the 8th of June 2012.
In connection to the conference FAOS has published the paper Når trepartssamarbejde skaber reformer - When tripartite negotiations generate reforms (only in Danish). It is a review of tripartite negotiations in Denmark in a historical perspective from the first important collective agreement in Denmark, the so-called Septemberforliget- The September Compromise in 1899 till today.
The paper is published by FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (in Danish only).