Publications 2000
Social Dialouge in the Baltic Sea Countries
Jesper Due, Mikkel Mailand & Victor Makarov
Conference on Social Dialouge, Warszawa, 25th - 26th October 2000
The September Compromise - A Strategic Choice by Danish Employers in 1899
Jesper Due, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Carsten Strøby Jensen
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, no. 10, p. 43-70, Keele, Autumn 2000
The Danish Industrial Relations Model
Jesper Due, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Carsten Strøby Jensen
Alan C. Neal (ed.): European Social Policy and the Nordic Countries, p. 37-77, Ashgate 2000
Danemark: Adieu aux hiérarchies ou Comment revitaliser un mouvement syndical democratique
Søren Kaj Andersen
Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, no. 66, numéro spécial, p. 17-23, Paris, September 2000
Nordic labour relations between national autonomy and EU integration
Jesper Due, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Nikolaj Lubanski
Reiner Hoffmann, Otto Jacobi, Berndt Keller, Manfred Weiss (ed.): Transnational Industrial Relations in Europe, 26 pages, Hans Böckler Foundation, ETUI, June 2000
Manoeuvering between centralised control and local flexibility - Local Government Industrial Relations in Western Europe
Søren Kaj Andersen
Invited paper, 12th World Congress of IIRA, Tokyo, Japan, 29 May-2 June 2000,
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen 2000
Moving closer together - trade union europeanisation in the construction sector
Nikolaj Lubanski
Transfer, no. 1, p. 103-109, ETUI, spring 2000
Jesper Due, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Carsten Strøby Jensen
Collective Bargaining in Europe 1998-1999, ETUI, Bruxelles 1999 (published May 2000)
Neofunctionalist Theories and the Development of European Social and Labour Market Policy
Carsten Strøby Jensen
Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, Oxford, March 2000
Danemark: Confédération syndicale recherche nouveau message
Søren Kaj Andersen
Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, no. 62, p. 20-26, Paris, January 2000