Publications 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - GERMANY. The roles of employers and trade unions
Søren Kaj Andersen, Lene Askgaard Hyldtoft & Mikkel Mailand
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, November 2001

Social Dialogue in the Baltic Sea Countries
Mikkel Mailand, Jesper Due & Victor Makarov
Report for the Seminar on social dialogue under the Baltic Sea Region Sector Programme on Labour-Market Policy, 25-26 October, Warsaw, 2000, FAOS and the Danish Ministry of Labour, 2001, 44 pages

Between policy and market - Interest organisation and wage regulation on the municipal/regional market within the European Union
Søren Kaj Andersen
PhD thesis, Department of Sociology, 230 pages, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2001

The Danish Model at Local and Regional Level - Consensus and Co-operation in Labour Market Policy Networks
Mikkel Mailand
PhD thesis, Department of Sociology, 277 pages, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - THE NETHERLANDS. The roles of employers and trade unions
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, July 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - THE EUROPEAN LEVEL. The roles of employers and trade unions
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, July 2001

Employers' associations and unions in the public sector
Berndt Keller, Jesper Due & Søren Kaj Andersen
Carlo Dell'Aringa, Giuseppe Della Roca, Berndt Keller (ed.): Strategic Choises in Reforming Public Service Employment, p. 71-97, Palgrave 2001

Social dialogue in the Baltic Sea region - the state of the art
Jesper Due & Mikkel Mailand
Emilio Gabaglio, Reiner Hoffmann (ed.): European Trade Union Yearbook 2000, ETUI, Brussels, 2001

Flexibility, HRM and work place solidarity - a study of five Danish SME's
Steen E. Navrbjerg
Paper presented at the Human Resources Global Management Conference, Barcelona, June 2001

From centralised decentralisation towards multi-level regulation
Jørgen Steen Madsen, Søren Kaj Andersen & Jesper Due
Invited paper, 6th European Congress of IIRA, 25-29 June, Oslo, 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - DENMARK. The roles of employers and trade unions
Mikkel Mailand & Søren Kaj Andersen
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, May 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - SPAIN. The roles of employers and trade unions
Mikkel Mailand & Søren Kaj Andersen
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, May 2001

Social Partnerships in Europe - UNITED KINGDOM. The roles of employers and trade unions
Mikkel Mailand & Søren Kaj Andersen
Report compiled for The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, May 2001

Denmark - Towards Multi-level Regulation
Nikolaj Lubanski, Jesper Due, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Carsten Strøby Jensen
György Széll (ed.): European Labour Relations, Vol. II, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, April 2001

Jørgen Steen Madsen, Carsten Jørgensen & Jesper Due
Giuseppe Fajertag (ed.): Collective bargaining in Europe - 2000, ETUI, Brussels, 2001 

Danemark: Les syndicats de l'Europe, les défis dún débat
Søren Kaj Andersen
Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, no. 68, p. 3-8, Paris, January 2001