Publications 2002
The Role of Employers and Trade Unions in Multipartite Social Partnerships
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Report from The Copenhagen Centre, 140 pages, based on a research project by FAOS and published by The Copenhagen Centre 2002
Multipartite Social Partnerships - A New Role for Employers and Trade Unions
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Pamphlet published together with the concluding report The Role of Employers and Trade Unions in Multipartite Social Partnerships, 22 pages, The Copenhagen Centre 2002
Searching for Innovation
Nikolaj Lubanski
Gerhard Bosch, Peter Philips (ed.): Building Chaos - An international comparison of deregulation in the construction industry, Denmark, p. 73-94,
Routeledge, London 2002
Social Dialoque and European State Traditions
Søren Kaj Andersen
The Sytems and Practice of Social Dialoque in Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark, Phare PL2000, Activity 1.2e, June 2002
Carsten Jørgensen
Giuseppe Fajertag (ed.): Collective bargaining in Europe - 2001, ETUI, Brussels, 2002
Public Sector Collective Bargaining in five EU Member States
Søren Kaj Andersen
Paper presented at the Public Sector Workshop, Prague, March 2002
Denmark in the 1900s: Status Quo or a more Selfconfident State?
Mikkel Mailand
Stefan Berger & Hugh Compston (ed): Policy Concertation and Social Partnerships in Western Europe, Lessons for the 21st Century, p. 83-96, Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford 2002
Denmark in Historical Perspective: Towards Conflict-Based Consensus
Carsten Strøby Jensen
Stefan Berger & Hugh Compston (ed): Policy Concertation and Social Partnerships in Western Europe, Lessons for the 21st Century, p. 77-82, Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford 2002
Partnerships and youth unemployment in Denmark - successes and failures of a presumed best case
Mikkel Mailand
Amparo Serrano Pascual (ed): Enhancing youth employability through social and civil partnership, p. 343-366, ETUI, Brussels, March 2002
Employment-related collective bargaining in Denmark
Carsten Jørgensen
Employment: the focus of collective bargaining in Europe, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Dossier no. 20, November 2001, p. 87-110, IST, Louvain-La-Neuve January 2002