Publications 2003

The European Employment Strategy - local and regional impact in Denmark
Mikkel Mailand
Paper for the ETUI/Universidad de Complutense de Madrid seminar: The regional and local dimension of the European employment Strategy, 17 October 2003, Cordoba, Spain,
Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, October 2003, 15 pages

Social Dialogue in Central and Eastern Europe - Present state and future development
Jesper Due & Mikkel Mailand
Invited paper, 13th World Congress of IIRA, Berlin, Germany, 8-12 September, 2003

Carsten Jørgensen
Emmanuel Mermet (ed.): Collective bargaining in Europe - 2002, ETUI, Brussels, June 2003

Négociations collectives 2003: des conventions "à la carte" et de nouveaux droits sociaux
Carsten Jørgensen
Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, no. 81, p. 52-59, Paris, March 2003

Public Sector Social Dialogue. Experiences from Five present EU Member States
Søren Kaj Andersen
Paper prepared for the Hungarian Phare/Twinning project, Budapest, February 2003

Employment-related collective bargaining and NAP in Denmark
Carsten Jørgensen & Cecilie Wehner
Collective Bargaining and Employment in Europe 2001-2002, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Dossier no. 21, November 2002, p. 83-115, IST, Louvain-La-Neuve February 2003