Publications 2008

Strong Trade Unions Meet EEC Workers - Locating, Monitoring and Organising EEC Workers in the Danish Construction Sector
Søren Kaj Andersen & Jens Arnholtz Hansen
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations, no. 67, October 2008

Implementing the EU's Directive on Fixed-term Contracts at Company Level - Effects and Influences in Denmark
Trine P. Larsen
Paper for the DSE-conference Danmark i resultaternes Europa, 9 October 2008

Collective Bargaining on Wages in Denmark
Søren Kaj Andersen & Steen E. Navrbjerg
Maarten Keunes & Béla Gálgózis (eds.): Wages and wage bargaining in Europe - development since the mid-1990s, 2008

Involvement of social partners in employment policy reforms under liberal-conservative rule - continuity or change?
Mikkel Mailand
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, vol. 10, no. 3, October 2008

The EU directive on fixed-term contracts at company level - Effects and Influences in Denmark
Trine P. Larsen
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, September 2008

The enlarged EU and the free movement of East European sevice providers
Klaus Pedersen & Søren Kaj Andersen
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, July 2008

The Danish Model of Industrial Relations: Erosion or Renewal?
Jesper Due & Jørgen Steen Madsen
Journal of Industrial Relations, volume 50, no. 3, June 2008

Des négociations collectives tumultueuses dans le secteur public
Carsten Jørgensen
Chronique Internationale de l´IRES, no. 11, 2008

The uneven impact of the European Employment Strategy on Member States' employmenet policies - a comparative analysis
Mikkel Mailand
Journal of European Social Policy, volume 18, no. 4

Joint European principles for flexicurityMikkel Mailand
FAOS-information, no. 35, February 2008

La flexicurité danoise - et tout ce qui lentoure
Katrine Søndergård
Chronique internationale de l'IRES, n° 110, January 2008

Trade-offs on Flexible Working Hours at the Company Level: Case Studies from Denmark and the United States
Anna Ilsøe
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting, Champaign, Illinois: Labor and Employment Relations Association

The Danish Flexicurity Model - A lesson for the US?
Anna Ilsøe
Social Europe Series vol. 17, 2008

East European Workers in the Building and Construction Industry
Jens Arnholtz Hansen & Søren Kaj Andersen
FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, January 2008