Publications 2018
The effects of union mergers and internal restructuring: a bottom-up perspective by Danish shop stewards
Steen E. Navrbjerg and Trine P. Larsen
Article in Industrial Relations Journal
October 2018
A division of labour? Labour market segmentation by region of origin: the case of intra-EU migrants in the UK, Germany and Denmark
Jonas Felbo-Kolding, FAOS, Janine Leschke og Thees F. Spreckelsen
Artikel i Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
September 2018
The European flexicurity concept and the Dutch and Danish flexicurity models: How have they managed the Great Recession?
Sonja Bekker and Mikkel Mailand
Article in Social Policy & Administration
September 2018
Dealing with austerity and migration in the northern European cleaning sector
Sissel Trygstad, Trine P. Larsen, FAOS og Kristine Nergaard
Artikel i Artikel i European Journal of Industrial Relations
August 2018
Collective wage regulation in northern Europe under strain: Multiple drivers of change and differing responses
Jon Erik Dølvik, Paul Marginson, Kristin Alsos, Jens Arnholtz, Guglielmo Meardi, Torsten Müller, Sissel Trygstad
Article in European Journal of Industrial Relations
August 2018
Collective wage bargaining under strain in northern European construction: Resisting institutional drift?
Jens Arnholtz, Guglielmo Meardi og Johannes Oldervoll
Artikel i European Journal of Industrial Relations
August 2018
Denmark - Progressing the voluntarist approach
Anna Ilsøe
Chapter in the book 'Work in the digital age'
June 2018
'Tackling Precarious Work in Public Supply Chains: A Comparison of Local Government Procurement Policies in Denmark,
Germany and the UK'
Karen Jaehrling, University of Duisburg-Essen, Mathew Johnson, University of Manchester, Trine P. Larsen, FAOS/University of Copenhagen, Bjarke Refslund, Aalborg University, Damian Grimshaw, International Labour Organisation.
Article published in Work, Employment and Society
June 2018
Inclusive growth through collective bargaining in Denmark
Søren Kaj Andersen
Case report for the Cawie 3 project, 'Collectively Agreed Wages in Europe '
Published by HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society
June 2018
Labour Market Integration – On the multiple dimensions of immigrant labour market integration’
Jonas Felbo-Kolding
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Copenhagen
May 2018
Adapting to survive: The case of Danish employers' organisations
Steen E. Navrbjerg og Christian Lyhne Ibsen, FAOS
Article published in Human Resource Management Journal
May 2018
'Extra‐Institutional Changes under Pressure from Posting'
Søren Kaj Andersen og Jens Arnholtz
Article published in British Journal of Industrial Relations
May 2018
‘Hybrid work – social protection of atypical work in Denmark’
Mikkel Mailand og Trine Pernille Larsen
Article published in WSI Institute of Economic and Social Research
April 2018
Strategic, but vulnerable: Industrial Relations and Creative Workers (IR-CREA)
National report Denmark
Trine Pernille Larsen, Mikkel Mailand and Patricia Thor Larsen
FAOS, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
April 2018
Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative economy (IRSDACE)
Anna Ilsøe & Louise Weber Madsen
FAOS, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
April 2018
Lifting wages and conditions of atypical employees in Denmark—the role of social partners and sectoral social dialogue
Trine Pernille Larsen og Mikkel Mailand
Article published in Industrial Relations Journal
April 2018
Article in European Journal of Industrial Relations
Shaping industrial relations in a digitalising services industry: the Nordic case
Anna Ilsøe
Research report published by ZSI
February 2018
Bargaining for equal pay and work–life balance in Danish companies – Does gender matter?
Trine P. Larsen og Steen E. Navrbjerg
Article in Journal of Industrial Relations
January 2018
Formulating EU employment policy in times of New Economic Governance
Mikkel Mailand
FAOS, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
January 2018