30. januar 2012

Kursusrække: Den danske model

FAOS udbyder i forårssemestret 2012 kurset Den danske model, der henvender sig til både samfundsfaglige studerende og ansatte fra organisationer, ministerier mv., der er interesserede i emnet.

Kurset indeholder følgende lektioner:


30. januar - lektion 1: Den danske model - definition og karakteristika
Due, J & Madsen, JS (1993): Indledning. In Due, J & Madsen, JS: Den danske model. Copenhagen : DJØF Publishing, 13-21.

Jensen, CS (2007): Konklusion. In Jensen, CS: Arbejdsmarkedsrelationer i Danmark: fra konfliktbaseret konsensus til konsensusbaseret konflikt. Copenhagen : DJØF Publishing, 263-285.

6. februar - lektion 2: Teori og metode i Industrial Relations (IR)
Edwards, P (2003): The employment relationship and the field of industrial relations. In P. Edwards (eds): Industrial relations: Theory and practice. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1-36. 

Strauss, G & Whitfield, K (1998): Research methods in industrial relations. In Strauss, G & Whitfield, K (eds): Researching the World of Work: Strategies and Methods in Studying Industrial Relations. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 5- 29.

Den danske models udvikling

13. februar - lektion 3: Etableringen af aftalesystemet
Due, J & Madsen, JS (1993): Tilblivelsen af det danske aftalesystem & Overenskomstsystemet i funktion. In Due, J & Madsen, JS: Den danske model. Copenhagen : DJØF Publishing, 65-88, 163-179.

Clegg, HA (1976): The Argument. In Clegg, HA: Trade Unionism under Collective Bargaining: A Theory based on Comparisons of Six Countries. Oxford: Blackwell, 1-11.

Sisson, K (1987): Aims and Approach. In Sisson, K: The Management of Collective Bargaining. An International Comparison. Oxford: Basic Blackwell, 1-16.

Nyere udfordringer I

20. februar - lektion 4: Decentralisering - deregulering eller tilpasning?
Katz, HC (1993): ‘The Decentralization of Collective Bargaining: A Literature Review and Comparative Analysis'. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 47 (1): 3-22.

Traxler, F (1995): Farewell to labour market associations? Organized versus disorganized decentralisation as a map for industrial relations. In Crouch C and Traxler F (eds.): Organized Industrial Relations in Europe: What Future? Aldershot: Avebury, 3-19.

Ilsøe A, Madsen JS, Due J (2007): ‘Impacts of Decentralisation - Erosion or Renewal? The Decisive Link between Workplace Representation and Company Size in German and Danish Industrial Relations'. Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (3): 201-222.

27. februar - lektion 5: Individualisering - nye relationer mellem ledere og medarbejdere?
Navrbjerg, SE (1999): Nye arbejdsorganiseringer, fleksibilitet og decentralisering. Ph.d.-afhandling. København: Københavns Universitet, 107-130.

Marsden, D (2004): 'The 'Network Economy' and Models of the Employment Contract'. British Journal of Industrial Relations 42 (4): 659-684.

5. marts - lektion 6: International konkurrence - international regulering?
Bamber, GJ, Lansbury, RD and Wailes, N (2004): Introduction. In Bamber, GJ, Lansbury, RD and Wailes, N: International and Comparative Employment Relations. Globalisation and the developed market economies. London: SAGE Publications, 1-35.

Marginson, P and Sisson, K (2004): The Starting Point: Three Key Dimensions. In Marginson, P and Sisson, K: European Integration and Industrial Relations. Multi-Level Governance in the Making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 28-53.

12. marts - lektion 7: Den danske flexicurity model - et eksempel til efterfølgelse
Wilthagen, T & Tros, F (2004): ‘The concept of ‘flexicurity': A new approach to regulating employment and labour markets'. Transfer, 10 (2): 166-87.

Ilsøe A (2008): The Danish Flexicurity Model - a Lesson for the US? In Hendrickx, Frank (ed.): Flexicurity and the Lisbon Agenda. A Cross-Disciplinary Reflection. Social Europe Series vol. 17. Antwerp: Intersentia, 65-104.

Jørgensen, H (2010): Danish "flexicurity" in crisis - or just stress-tested by the crisis? Report to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Aalborg: Aalborg University.

Nyere udfordringer II

19. marts - lektion 8: Uorganiseret arbejdskraft og 'de gule'
Visser, J (2002): 'Why Fewer Workers Join Unions in Europe'. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 40 (3): 403-31.

Due, J, Madsen JS, Pihl, MD (2010): Baggrund og perspektiver. In Due, J, Madsen JS, Pihl, MD: Udviklingen i den faglige organisering: årsager og konsekvenser for den danske model. LO-Dokumentationen no. 1. Copenhagen: LO, 75-160.

26. marts - lektion 9: Tendenser til segmentering
Peck, J (1996): Structuring the labour market - a segmentation approach. In Peck, J: Work-Place. The social regulation of labour markets. New York, The Guildford Press, 46-82. 

Ilsøe, A (2007): ‘Decentralisering i et flexicurityperspektiv - på vej mod et opdelt arbejdsmarked?'. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 9 (4): 45-62.

Hansen, JA & Hansen, NW (2009): 'Polakker på det danske arbejdsmarked - frie fugle eller ny randgruppe?'. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 11 (2): 24-40.

Den danske model blandt andre modeller - konvergens eller divergens?

16. april - lektion 10: IR-modeller, velfærdsmodeller og Varieties of Capitalism 
Crouch, C (1993): Organized Interests in the Economy: Diversity in Western European Experience. In Crouch, C: Industrial Relations and European State Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-22.

Esping-Andersen, G (2000): Comparative Welfare Regimes Re-examined. In Esping-Andersen, G: Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 73-94.

Hall, PA & Soskice, DW (2001): An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism. In Hall, PA & Soskice, DW (eds) Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-68.

23. april - lektion 11: Den danske model - en 'forhandlet økonomi' nu og i fremtiden?
Pedersen, OK (2006): Corporatism and Beyond: The Negotiated Economy. In Campbell, J L, Hall, JA & Pedersen, OK (eds.): National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism. The Danish Experience. Copenhagen, DJØF Publishing, 245-270.

Katz, HC & Darbishire, O (2000): Introduction & Summary. In Katz, HC & Darbishire, O: Converging divergencies. Worldwide changes in employment relations. Ithaca and London: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, 1-16, 263-283.

30. april - lektion 12: Institutionel forandring. Opsamling og spørgsmål
Campbell, JL (2004): Problems of Institutional Analysis. In Campbell, JL: Institutional Change and Globalization. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1-30.