Sub-theme 3: Financial crisis, multinational corporations and industrial relations

Friday, 27 November 2009

Multinational corporations (MNCs) play a major role in many economies, all depending on the degree to which the national business system is build to attract foreign direct investments. In some countries, MNCs indirectly have had a major impact on the business system as a whole, not to mention the IR system. An interesting question is how MNCs respond to the crisis, and not least what kind of negotiations patterns can be identified at work place level. Ireland is among the countries with the most experience on MNCs and their impact on national business systems and industrial relations. This sub-theme will deal with the relations between MNCs and IR, and will among other issues address the country-of-origin effect and methodological problems doing research in MNCs.

  • Professor Patrick Gunnigle, Kemmy Business School, Limerick University
  • Professor Michael Morley, Kemmy Business School, Limerick University
  • Associate Professor Patrice Jalette, Montreal University 
  • Associate Professor Steen E. Navrbjerg, FAOS, University of Copenhagen