Publications 2013
Labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in the Nordic countries - Patterns of migration, working conditions and recruitment practices
Jon Horgen Friberg and Line Eldring (eds.), contributions from Søren Kaj Andersen (FAOS), Jens Arnholtz (FAOS), Nana Wesley Hansen (FAOS) and others
Report published by Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, December 2013
The economic crisis: Testing employee relations
Steen E. Navrbjerg & Trine P. Larsen
Article in Economic and Industrial Democracy, online version, October 2013
Collective cooperation during rationalization and retrenchment - A study of practice in and around the formal cooperation committee system in Danish local government (the MED-system) during rationalization and retrenchment
Nana Wesley Hansen
PhD dissertation published by Department of Sociology and FAOS, University of Copenhagen, December 2013
Public service employment relations in an era of austerity: The case of Denmark
Nana Wesley Hansen & Mikkel Mailand
Article in European Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2013
Dealing with Alternatively Organized Workers: Recruitment and Retention Strategies among Danish Shop Stewards
Anna Ilsøe
Article in Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Volume 3, Number 4, November 2013
Ahead of the others - The gymnasium teachers union and the 2013 collective bargaining round
Mikkel Mailand
Research paper, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, November 2013
Labour market specific institutions and the working conditions of labour migrants: The case of Polish migrant labour in the Danish labour market
Jens Arnholtz & Nana Wesley Hansen
Article in Economic and Industrial Democracy, Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2013
Consensus or coercion – Collective bargaining coordination and third party intervention
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
PhD dissertation published by Department of Sociology and FAOS, University of Copenhagen, November 2013
The Political Construction of Business Interests: Coordination, Growth, and Equality
Richard Deeg, Alberto Martinelli & Mikkel Mailand
Review Symposium published in Socio-Economic Review, vol 11, no 4, October 2013
The Labor Market Regimes of Denmark and Norway - A Parting of the Ways?
Paul Gooderham (NHH), Steen E. Navrbjerg (FAOS), Karen M. Olsen (NHH) & Christina Roe Steen (NHH)
Paper presented at ILERA European Congress 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 June 2013
Is there a Danish model in retail? - Labour-management cooperation and its effects on recruitment and retention
Anna Ilsøe & Jonas Felbo-Kolding
Paper presented at ILERA European Congress 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 June 2013
Coalition building, organisational inertia and variation by content - The struggle over European work and employment regulation
Mikkel Mailand & Jens Arnholtz
Paper presented at ILERA European Congress 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 June 2013 and at SASE conference, Milan, Italy, 27-29 July 2013
Importing Low Density Ideas to High Density Revitalisation
Jens Arnholtz (FAOS), Christian Lyhne Ibsen (FAOS) & Flemming Ibsen (Aalborg University)
Paper presented at ILERA European Congress 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 June 2013
Slowing down Social Europe? The role of coalitions and decision-making arenas. Summary report (report 5)
Mikkel Mailand & Jens Arnholtz
Research paper, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, August 2013
Danish companies' use of Eastern European workforce
Søren Kaj Andersen & Jonas Felbo-Kolding
Book published by FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, June 2013
Slowing down Social Europe? The struggle over work and employment regulation
Mikkel Mailand
Article in Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 44, issue 3, May 2013
The Challenge from East – Trade Union Strategies and Eastern European Migrant Workers
Søren Kaj Andersen & Jens Arnholtz
Article in Økonomi og Politik, vol. 86, no. 1, April 2013
Yellow or Red? Introduction of free choice in the union market
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Article in Økonomi og Politik, vol. 86, no. 1, April 2013
Analysis of HK’s confederate affiliation
Søren Kaj Andersen & Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Research paper, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, April 2013
The Nordic labour inspectorates: Roles, strategies and tools in the work against social dumping. A Nordic pilot study
Line Eldring (Fafo) Kerstin Ahlberg (Stockholm University) & Klaus Pedersen (FAOS)
Report published by Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, April 2013