Strained Compromises? Flexicurity during crisis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


The Danish version of flexicurity is not only about a balance between labour market flexibility and social security. Arguably, it is also series of more or less stable underlying compromises between social partners about the main mechanisms and aims of labour market regulation which – supposedly – should be focused on employment rather than jobs and competition on quality rather than on labour costs. However, most studies on Danish flexicurity have been carried out under favourable economic conditions with social partners almost naturally agreeing to the merits of the model – at least in principle. But has the current recession challenged these compromises? The present paper analyses the robustness of agreement by comparing social partner responses before and during the current economic recession. The evidence suggests that the underlying compromises are indeed strained by the economic cycle which underlines the dangers of building models based on short periods of stability.

Original languageEnglish
Publication date2010
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventThe 9th European congress of the International Industrial Relations Association - København, Denmark
Duration: 28 Jun 20101 Jul 2010


ConferenceThe 9th European congress of the International Industrial Relations Association

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