Trine Pernille Larsen

Trine Pernille Larsen


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    1. Udgivet

      The UK: Policy Maps on Employment, Social Assistance, Long-term Care, Women and the Labour Market and Pensions

      Larsen, Trine Pernille, Daguerre, A. & Taylor-Gooby, P., 2003, Canterbury: University of Kent, 133 s.

      Publikation: Working paper

    2. Udgivet

      European Union: Policy Maps on Employment, Social Assistance, Long-term Care, Women and the Labour Market and Pensions

      Larsen, Trine Pernille, Daguerre, A. & Taylor-Gooby, P., 2003, Canterbury: University of Kent, 52 s.

      Publikation: Working paper

    ID: 8921