Anna Sofie Bach

Anna Sofie Bach

Guest Researcher

Member of:

    1. 2022
    2. 2200 Docu: One Child Nation

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Other)

      22 May 2022

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    3. 8. marts: Climate Research - Intersectional and feminist visions

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Participant)

      8 Mar 2022

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

    4. 2020
    5. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research (Journal)

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Editor)

      Sep 2020Dec 2021

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesEditor of Research journalResearch

    6. 2014
    7. Tænketanken VM - viden om mænd (External organisation)

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Member)

      26 Aug 2014 → …

      Activity: Membership typesMembership in committee, council, board

    8. Familier og forældreskab (Journal)

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Editor)


      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesEditor of Research journalResearch

    9. 2013
    10. Gift ved første blik - et sociologisk perspektiv?

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Lecturer)

      29 Oct 2013

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    11. Morgendagens mænd? - fortællinger om karrierekvinder, kærlighed, maskulinitet og ligestilling

      Bach, Anna Sofie (Speaker)

      24 Oct 2013

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    ID: 37525914