Bøger og øvrige rapporter 2018
Her kan du læse FAOS forskeres bøger, ph.d.-afhandlinger samt øvrige rapporter, der er publiceret af ministerier, organisationer eller andre forskningsmiljøer.
Inclusive growth through collective bargaining in Denmark
Søren Kaj Andersen
Case report for the Cawie 3 project, 'Collectively Agreed Wages in Europe '
Published by HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society
Juni 2018
Labour Market Integration – On the multiple dimensions of immigrant labour market integration’
Jonas Felbo-Kolding
Ph.d. afhandling, Københavns Universitet
Maj 2018
‘Hybrid work – social protection of atypical work in Denmark’
Mikkel Mailand og Trine Pernille Larsen
Rapport publiceret af WSI Institute of Economic and Social Research
April 2018