Videnskabelige artikler

Her kan du læse forskningsartikler, der er publiceret i nationale og internationale videnskabelige tidsskrifter og antologier.

Negotiating about algorithms: Social partner responses to AI in Denmark and Sweden
Anna Ilsøe, Trine P. Larsen, Christopher Mathieu og Bertil Rolandsson
Publiceret i ILR Review
Oktober 2024

Driving the EU working conditions directive: social partner reactivity and the limits to commission entrepreneurship
Mikkel Mailand
Publiceret i Comparative European Politics
Maj 2024

A power resource theory for contemporary capitalism: Why power and workers still matter
Jens Arnholtz og Bjarke Refslund
Publiceret af Stato e mercato
April 2024

Arrangers and orchestrators: the diverging role of the state in Danish and German vocational education and training
Christian Lyhne Ibsen og Kathleen Thelen,MIT/Political Science, USA
Publiceret af Socio-Economic Review
April 2024

Between coping and resistance: Migrant networks and alternative forms of collectivism
Mark Friss Hau og Andrea Borello
Publiceret i Economic and Industrial Democracy
Januar 2024

Is labour migration disrupting dual vocational education and training systems? Empirical evidence from the Danish and Norwegian construction sectors
Jens Arnholtz og Ståle Østhus
Publiceret af European Journal of Industrial Relations
Januar 2024

Lønsystemer i det offentlige – variationer i parternes holdninger mellem grupper og over tid
Mikkel Mailand
Publiceret i Økonomi & Politik, nr. 4
December 2023

The new political economy of public sector wage-setting in Europe: Introduction to the special issue
Donato Di Carlo, Christian Lyhne Ibsen og Oscar Molina
Publiceret i European Journal of Industrial Relations
December 2023

Script Adaptation: Understanding Continuity in Local Cooperation after Sector-Level Conflict over Teachers' Working Time
Nana Wesley Hansen
Publiceret i tidsskriftet Work, Employment and Society
December 2023

Flexicurity på fremtidens arbejdsmarked - kontraktfleksibilitet og øget ulighed?
Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Publiceret i Økonomi & Politik, nr. 3, 2023
Oktober 2023

Still part of the game - corporatism and political exchanges in two small states
Mikkel Mailand
Publiceret i Industrial Relations
September 2023

Nordic Working Life and Social Dialogue in Times of Crises. Introduction to the Special Issue
Bertil Rolandsson og Anna Ilsøe
Publiceret i Nordic journal of working life studies
Juli 2023

Digital disruption diversified—FinTechs and the emergence of a coopetitive market ecosystem
Bengt Larsson, Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Alex Lehr og Jaan Masso
Publiceret i Socio-Economic Review
Juli 2023

Public sector wage bargaining and the balanced growth model: Denmark and Sweden compared
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Laust Høgedahl og Flemming Ibsen
Publiceret i European Journal of Industrial Relations
Juli 2023

Solidarity with atypical workers? Survey evidence from the General Motors versus United Auto Workers strike in 2019
Carla Lima Aranzaes, Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Philip S. DeOrtentiis og Maite Tapia
Publiceret i British Journal of Industrial Relations
Juli 2023

Flexicurity and the future of work: Lessons from Denmark
Anna Ilsøe og Trine Pernille Larsen
Bogkapitel i ‘The Economy 2030 Inquiry’ udgivet af The Resolution Foundation. London, UK
Juni 2023

Revisiting the EU’s new mobility regime: the impact of mobility and policies on labour market hierarchies within and across the EU
Jens Arnholtz og Janine Leschke
Publiceret i Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Maj 2023.

Posted work as an extreme case of hierarchised mobility
Jens Arnholtz og Nathan Lillie
Publiceret i Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Maj 2023.

Conditions for cross-professional union coalition-building: When enough is enough, but solidarity also has its limits!
Nana Wesley Hansen og Nick Krachler
Publiceret i Economic and Industrial Democracy
Maj 2023

Unions and precarious work: How power resources shape diverse strategies and outcomes
Arjan Keizer, Mat Johnson, Trine P. Larsen, Bjarke Refslund, Damian Grimshaw og Mat Johnson
Publiceret i European Journal of Industrial Relations
Marts 2023

It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence
Oscar Molina, Florian Butollo, Csaba Makó, Alejandro Godino, Ursula Holtgrewe, Anna Ilsøe, Sander Junte, Trine Pernille Larsen, Miklós Illésy, Jószef Pap og Philip Wotschack
Publiceret i Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Marts 2023

Labor Migration as a Source of Institutional Change: Danish and Australian Construction Sectors Compared
Jens Arnholtz og Chris F. Wright
Publiceret i ILR Review
Februar 2023

Strategic human resource management in the context of environmental crisis: A COVID-19 test
Dana Minbaeva, CBS og King’s Business School og Steen E. Navrbjerg, FAOS
Publiceret i Human Resource Management
Januar 2023

Building coalitions on Facebook: ‘social media unionism’ among Danish bike couriers
Mark Friis Hau og Owen Savage
Artikel i New Technology, Work and Employment
Januar 2023

Magt og den danske aftalemodel
Laust Høgedahl og Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Artikel i Økonomi & Politik
December 2022

Nordic Relief Packages and Non-standard Workers: Towards Expanded Universalism and Institutional Inequalities
Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Artikel i Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
December 2022

Do Workers Speak Up When Feeling Job Insecure? Examining Workers’ Response to Precarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hye Jin Rho, Christine Riordan, Christian Lyhne Ibsen, J. Ryan Lamare, and Maite Tapia
Artikel i Work and Occupations
November 2022

Between Settlement and Mobilization: Political Logics of Intra-Organizational Union Communication on Social Media
Nana Wesley Hansen og Mark Friis Hau
Artikel i Work, Employment and Society
November 2022

Playing alone? Interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands
Lisa Dorigatti, Wike M. Been, Luigi Burroni, Maarten Keune, Trine P. Larsen og Mikkel Mailand
Artikel i Economic and Industrial Democracy
November 2022

Defining the problem of low wage growth in Australia and Denmark: From the actors’ perspectives
Søren Kaj Andersen, Chris F. Wright og Russell D Lansbury
Artikel i European Journal of Industrial Relations
Oktober 2022

Early Childhood Education and Care in Denmark: A Social Investment Success
Trine P. Larsen og Caroline de la Porte
Publiceret i bogen ‘Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries: Cases, Lessons, Challenges’, Oxford University Press
September 2022

Coordination versus organization: Diverging logics of firm cooperation in Denmark and Sweden
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Lisa Sezer og Virginia Doellgast
Artikel i British Journal of Industrial Relations
August 2022

Still a poster child for social investment? Changing regulatory dynamics of early childhood education and care in Denmark and Sweden
Caroline de la Porte, Trine P. Larsen og Åsa Lundqvist
Artikel i Regulation and Governance
September 2022

Hybrid Work Patterns: A Latent Class Analysis of Platform Workers in Denmark
Jonas Hulgård Kristiansen, Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Artikel i Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
August 2022

Labor Market Affiliation of Marginal Part-Time Workers in Denmark—A Longitudinal Study
Helena Breth Nielsen, Kathrine Pape, Laura Stonor Gregersen, Jonas Kirchheiner-Rasmussen, Johnny Dyreborg, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Jacob Pedersen og Anne Helene Garde
Artikel i International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
August 2022

Samarbejde under omstrukturering set fra de tillidsvalgtes perspektiv – kommunalreformens effekter
Trine P. Larsen, Steen E. Navrbjerg, Jonas Hulgaard Kristiansen og Nana Wesley Hansen
Artikel i Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 24. årgang, nr. 2
Juni 2022

Varieties of organised dentralisation across sectors in Denmark – a company perspective
Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Artikel i Industrial relations journal
Maj 2022

Re-constructing the construction of Laval: studying EU law as a social interpretive process
Jens Arnholtz
Kapitel i bogen ’Researching the European Court of Justice: Methodological Shifts and Law’s Embeddedness’, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Maj 2022

The case of Denmark
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Analyse i ILO rapporten ‘Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience’, International Labour Organization
Maj 2022

Keeping the State out through Legitimacy: Employers’ Organizations in Denmark
Christian Lyhne Ibsen og Steen Navrbjerg
Kapitel i bogen ‘Contemporary Employers’ Organizations’, Routledge
Maj 2022

Will there be a Nordic model in the platform economy? Evasive and integrative platform strategies in Denmark and Sweden
Anna Ilsøe og Fredrik Söderqvist
Artikel i i Regulation & Governance
April 2022

The embedded flexibility of Nordic labor market models under pressure from EU-induced dualization—The case of posted work in Denmark and Sweden
Jens Arnholtz
Artikel i Regulation and Governance
Marts 2022

Ideas and power in employment relations studies 
Martin B. Carstensen, Christian Lyhne Ibsen & Vivien A. Schmidt
Artikel i Industrial Relations
February 2022

Why do labour platforms negotiate? Platform strategies in tax-based welfare states
Anna Ilsøe og Trine Pernille Larsen
Artikel publiceret i Economic and Industrial Democracy
November 2021

Power resource theory revisited: The perils and promises for understanding contemporary labour politics
Bjarke Refslund og Jens Arnholtz
Artikel i Economic and Industrial Democracy
Oktober 2021

De Nordiske Covid-19 hjælpepakker og atypisk beskæftigede: Erfaringer med universelle og målrettede tiltag
Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Artikel i Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 23. årgang nr. 3
Oktober 2021

Three dimensions of institutional contention: efficiency, equality and governance in Danish vocational education and training reform
Martin B. Carstensen og Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Artikel i Socio-Economic Review
Oktober 2021

A comparison of work environment, job insecurity, and health between marginal part-time workers and full-time workers in Denmark using pooled register data
Helena Breth Nielsen, Laura Stonor Gregersen, Emma Steffensen Bach, Johnny Dyreborg, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Kathrine Pape, Jacob Pedersen og Anne Helene Garde
Artikel i Journal of Occupational Health
Juli 2021

Skills for the Future? A Life Cycle Perspective on Systems of Vocational Education and Training
Amanda Chuan og Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Artikel i ILR Review
Juni 2021

The influence of regulative contents, stakeholders, and formalization on managerial autonomy perceived at the front line
Bente Bjørnholt, Stefan Boye og Nana Wesley Hansen
Artikel i Public Management Review
Maj 2021

Chapter 3: Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface
Anna Ilsøe og Trine Pernille Larsen
Kapitel i rapporten The Future of Work in the Nordic countries: Opportunities and Challenges for the Nordic Working Life Models
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Maj 2021

Platformsøkonomiens udvikling i Danmark – stabilitet og forskelle
Anna Ilsøe og Trine P. Larsen
Artikel i Samfundsøkonomen
April 2021

Quiet Politics and the Power of Business: New Perspectives in an Era of Noisy Politics
Christian Lyhne Ibsen og Glenn Morgan
Artikel i Politics & Society, Vol. 49(1) 3 –16
Februar 2021

Multiple jobholding in the digital platform economy: signs of segmentation
Anna Ilsøe, Trine P. Larsen og Emma S. Bach
Artikel i Transfer: European review of Labour and Research
Februar 2021

Comparative perspectives on non-standard work in the Nordics: definitions and overall trends
Af Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

Regulating Non-standard work in the Nordics, risks, opportunities and responses
Af Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface.
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

Non-standard work in Denmark
Af Stine Rasmussen, Trine P. Larsen, Anna Ilsøe, Per Kongshøj Madsen & Emma S. Bach
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface.
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

The hotel and restaurant sector in Denmark and Finland
Af Emma S. Bach, Tiina Saari, Satu Ojala, Pasi Pyöriä, Paul Jonker-Hoffrén, Trine P. Larsen & Anna Ilsøe
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface.
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

COVID 19: Non-standard work in times of crisis
Af Trine P. Larsen og Anna Ilsøe,
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface.
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

Conclusions and perspectives
Af Anna Ilsøe og Trine P. Larsen
Kapitel i rapporten Non-standard work in the Nordics – troubled waters under the still surface.
Publiceret af Nordisk Ministerråd
Februar 2021

Social Democratic Trade Unions in the Knowledge Economy: Challenges, Pathways and Dilemmas
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Artikel i Comparative Social Research, Vol. 35.
Publiceret af Emerald Publishing Limited
Januar 2021

Understanding the dynamics of inequity in collective bargaining: evidence from Australia, Canada, Denmark and France
Ruth Barton, Élodie Béthoux, Camille Dupuy,  Anna Ilsøe, Patrice Jalette, Mélanie Laroche, Steen Erik Navrbjerg, Trine Pernille Larsen
Artikel i Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Januar 2021

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