Videnskabelige artikler 2007

Eastern European Workers in Danish Construction
Jens Arnholtz Hansen & Søren Kaj Andersen
Jan Cremers: Labour Migration, CLRnews, nummer 4, 2007

Den frie bevægelighed og det danske arbejdsmarked
Jens Arnholtz Hansen
Bidrag til rapporten Udenlandsk arbejdskraft: et resultat af højkonjunkturen eller kommet for at blive? af Elsebet Frydendal Pedersen (red.), CLRDenmark, 2007

Decentralisering i et flexicurity perspektiv. På vej mod et opdelt arbejdsmarked?
Anna Ilsøe
Temanummer af Tidskrift for Arbejdsliv om Flexicurity, november 2007

Vikarer mellem fleksibilitet og sikkerhed
Søren Kaj Andersen
Temanummer af Tidskrift for Arbejdsliv om Flexicurity, november 2007

Delivering employability in a vanguard ‘active' welfare state: The case of Greater Copenhagen in Denmark
Colin Lindsay & Mikkel Mailand
Artikel til Regional Studies Association Working Group seminar, Napier University, Edinburgh, 4.-5. oktober 2007

Migranterne og den danske model - udfordringer og samspil
Mikkel Mailand & Søren Kaj Andersen
Essay i Beskæftigelsesrådets arbejdsmarkedspolitiske redegørelse 2006, oktober 2007

Coalitions and decision-making arenas -Reformulating the European Employment Strategy
Mikkel Mailand
Paper for the ESPANET-conference in Vienna, September 20-22, (revised version)

Strong Trade Unions Meet EEC Workers - Locating, Monitoring and Organising EEC Workers in the Danish Construction Sector
Søren Kaj Andersen & Jens Arnholtz Hansen
Paper præsenteret ved The International Industrial Relations Association Regional European Congress, Manchester, 3.-7. september 2007

Coalitions and the European Employment Strategy - is the strategy genuine multi-level governance?
Mikkel Mailand
The International Industrial Relations Association Regional European Congress, Manchester: The Dynamics of European Employment Relations, 3.-7. september 2007

Impacts of decentralisation - Erosion or renewal?
Anna Ilsøe, Jørgen Steen Madsen & Jesper Due
Industrielle Beziehungen, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2007

The Danish Flexicurity Model: The Role of the Collective Bargaining System
Søren Kaj Andersen & Mikkel Mailand
Bidrag til bogen Collective Bargaining - An Introduction, redigeret af Sanjeev Kumar Singh, ICFAI University Press, august 2007

A New Mode of European Regulation? - The Implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Telework in Five Countries
Trine Pernille Larsen & Søren Kaj Andersen
European Journal of Industrial Relations, volume 13, nummer 2, juli 2007

Explaining variations in tripartism - the role of social partners in regulating work and welfare
Mikkel Mailand
Paper til SASEs 19th annual meeting, København, 28.-30. juni 2007

Occupational pension - the second track of the Danish Welfare System
Jesper Due & Jørgen Steen Madsen
Invited paper to the conference Institutions, Knowledge and Change - The Danish Pension System in International Comparison, University of Southern Denmark, 23.-24. april 2007

Det danske Gent-systems storhed - og fald?
Jesper Due & Jørgen Steen Madsen
Bidrag til bogen Arbejdsløshedsforsikringsloven 1907-2007: Udvikling og perspektiver, udgivet af Arbejdsdirektoratet i forbindelse med 100-års dagen for "Lov om anerkendte Arbejdsløshedskasser", 2007

Danish activation policy - the role of the normative foundation, the institutional set-up and other drivers
Flemming Larsen & Mikkel Mailand
Bidrag til antologien Reshaping Welfare States and Activation Regimes in Europe af Amparo Serrano Pascual og Lars Magnusson (red.), Peter Lang Publishing, februar 2007

Carsten Jørgensen & Franz Traxler
Bidrag til The Handbook of Business Interest Associations, Firm Size and Governance. A Comparative Analytical Approach af Franz Traxler og Gerhard Huemer (red.), Routledge, 2007, ss. 85-106

Carsten Jørgensen
Libertad de Asociación de Trabajadores y Empresarios en los Países de la Unión Europea, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, januar 2007, ss. 205-220

Carsten Jørgensen
Freedom of Association of Workers and Employers in the Countries of the European Union, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, januar 2007, ss. 179-192